
Republicans invented ‘cancel culture’ to silence gun control

Fox “news”, Alex Jones and their ilk were the first ones to turn the victims of gun violence into “actors” and complain that those poor people were actually just using each of these tragedies for personal gain, painting themselves as the real victims and effectively smearing and silencing anyone they didn’t like on the left.

This was the formula that they invented and perpetuated to smear and silence any victim who was so bold to cry out for gun control or other legislative reform on clear moral grounds.

Fast forward years of us putting up with this B.S. and now the right gets all ‘high and mightily’ offended when we decide to come together and collectively turn our backs on people for doing things that are clearly morally reprehensible, such as breeding hate, sowing bigotry and other anti-American values.

That’s pretty rich.

Seems like swamp monsters can dish it out but they just can’t take it.