Yes, I mean squirt-guns; water-pistols, the kind that kids play with and you can refill by turning on your garden hose.
Because the right is deathly afraid of these menacing weapons. They’re stocking up on AR-15’s, Kevlar vests, and other defensive paraphernalia to somehow protect themselves from our onslaught.
But that’s where they’re wrong.
Just the sight of someone brandishing a squirt-gun is enough to make these Fox news addicts lose bowel control and run for the hills – because they know we’re coming for them. That’s what their talking heads tell them every day. And that’s why they’ve got to stock up with artillery, hole up in their compounds and ‘kill as many of us “lefties” as they can’ before we have a chance to pull out our all-powerful liquid laser cannons and squirt.
Wow! A steady diet of right wing propaganda can sure do funny things to a person’s memory of how things actually used to be, don’t it?