
Can MAGA brains do math?

Ask a MAGA addled brain to read this graph, above, and ask them which number is bigger.

If they can tell you, then you can have a real conversation about how much better their economic situation is these days.

If not, the hate news has likely rotted their brains beyond repair. Best to pray for their kids.


Dick + taters = dictators

When I see extremists wearing their tactical gear and tactical black and white American flag shirts these days, I just can’t help but think, “What a dick.”

But then it dawned on me, these dicks want to turn America into a dictatorship, so they’re really dick-taters.

So now when I talk to them, I just can’t help but call them spuds, for the wannabe ‘taters that they are.

So I can’t help but throw it out there.

“What’s up, spud?”

“Look, spud, what you’re saying is crazy talk. America want a functioning democracy, not a life-term dic-‘tater-ship.”

“Lots of spuds like you used to be my buds, what happened to you?”

That kind of thing.