
Crazy is coming!

Republicans are about to unleash an absolute avalanche of crazy. Just trying to keep up with their crimes is going to be like finding yourself in a locker room game of keep away with your favorite hat. Only now it’s your sense of justice and decency.

The one problem that newly empowered Republicans can’t understand about this is: even Heaven’s Gate level MAGA loyalists hate chaos and disorder in their own lives.

So, as Republicans grind the gears of the government to a halt, they’re also going to be grinding against their own voter’s sense of entitlement.

And that over-inflated sense of entitlement is the only thing that trumps Trump.

Even though they will continue to say they believe all his lies, they’ll begin to loath what all the chaos and confusion brings their own lives in the form of frustrated month end conversations over the breakfast table, knowing they have nobody to blame but themselves for it.


Something wicked this way comes…

We are about to see unheard of amounts of crime and corruption rip through the American government and economy.

The result will be an absolute looting of the Federal treasury and abdication of America’s leadership role in the world.

There it is, just over the horizon…