
Ask them ‘What’

MAGA heads all know how to brush off even the most sincere attacks with lies and bluster. They simply repeat Trump’s talking points and ignore reality.

But when you ask them a question that starts with ‘What’, suddenly they have to deal in reality and have a real conversation with you.

For example, if you ask, “Why was Trump hording our most sensitive military secrets in his unsecured golf club?,” they will likely just say something about the Presidential records act. But if you ask, “What was Trump doing by asking for the surveillance tapes of those boxes to be destroyed?…” now they’ve got to engage with the corrupts intent behind these acts and either say, “I don’t know…”, where you can continue the ‘What line’, by asking, “What has he said was the reason for asking the server to be destroyed like Hillary Clinton?,” or just ask them, “What do you think he was trying to do?”

Either way, ‘What’ questions keep the conversations in the real world and severely limit Trump supporters ability to just spit out more Trump propaganda and ignore all of the felonies right before their eyes.

‘Why’ questions, conversely, only invite someone to tell you exactly what they just heard on Fox or some other right wing feeding ground.