
Crazy is coming!

Republicans are about to unleash an absolute avalanche of crazy. Just trying to keep up with their crimes is going to be like finding yourself in a locker room game of keep away with your favorite hat. Only now it’s your sense of justice and decency.

The one problem that newly empowered Republicans can’t understand about this is: even Heaven’s Gate level MAGA loyalists hate chaos and disorder in their own lives.

So, as Republicans grind the gears of the government to a halt, they’re also going to be grinding against their own voter’s sense of entitlement.

And that over-inflated sense of entitlement is the only thing that trumps Trump.

Even though they will continue to say they believe all his lies, they’ll begin to loath what all the chaos and confusion brings their own lives in the form of frustrated month end conversations over the breakfast table, knowing they have nobody to blame but themselves for it.


Something wicked this way comes…

We are about to see unheard of amounts of crime and corruption rip through the American government and economy.

The result will be an absolute looting of the Federal treasury and abdication of America’s leadership role in the world.

There it is, just over the horizon…


“It’s going to be messy… but we’ve got to get back to Law & Order”

I overheard an 70-year old lady saying this to her friend this morning at the local YMCA. She was a trumper trying to convince her friend that what’s happening is all for the best.

I just wondered, “Is she taking crazy pills?”

Her point of view is so far removed from reality that it just makes the head spin.

Over the last 4 years:

  • Murder and violent crime rates are down
  • US inflation rates are better than the rest of the world
  • Amazing stock market gains
  • Record low unemployment rates
  • And we’ve been able to sleep at night!

But none of that matters.

For someone, who I assume watches Fox news all the time, everywhere you look it’s all bad, bad, bad.

So I just wanted to ask her – if more people die, is she going to own that? That’s what she voted for, after all. She said that things getting “messy” was an acceptable means to an end, so is she going to take responsibility for that? Was she really telling her friend she wants some people to die so things will get better, in her opinion?

If she really believes that… if she really thinks that’s the only way forward, I hope she gets a “T” tattoo so she can own up to a little regret in her heart while the families are burying their dead.

But I know she won’t. Playing the victim card every time you want to blame others and then playing the ‘It’s not my fault’ card when your side is in the wrong is easy when you’re ok with lying.

Hey lady, remember the 1 million Covid deaths that happened because your dearest leader was in charge and did nothing?

That’s the kind of mess she just voted for.


My dad’s a Trumper Humper

My dad is a tough, logger/Vietnam vet guy, but I think he must be gay. Because politics isn’t supposed to be about being in a love affair with just one guy. It’s supposed to be about being in love with the ideas/party platform that will most benefit your family. Like, you know, infrastructure, healthcare, education and other good policies that help the economy.

So I just want to ask him, why debase yourself and kiss Trumps ass unless that’s what gets you off… because you know he’s not going to give you anything for your vote? He didn’t do anything in 4 years but lie, cheat and steal...

So if it’s a sex thing, no judgment, but can’t you just keep it to yourself..? We shouldn’t be forced to watch the humiliation.


Can MAGA brains do math?

Ask a MAGA addled brain to read this graph, above, and ask them which number is bigger.

If they can tell you, then you can have a real conversation about how much better their economic situation is these days.

If not, the hate news has likely rotted their brains beyond repair. Best to pray for their kids.


Dick + taters = dictators

When I see extremists wearing their tactical gear and tactical black and white American flag shirts these days, I just can’t help but think, “What a dick.”

But then it dawned on me, these dicks want to turn America into a dictatorship, so they’re really dick-taters.

So now when I talk to them, I just can’t help but call them spuds, for the wannabe ‘taters that they are.

So I can’t help but throw it out there.

“What’s up, spud?”

“Look, spud, what you’re saying is crazy talk. America want a functioning democracy, not a life-term dic-‘tater-ship.”

“Lots of spuds like you used to be my buds, what happened to you?”

That kind of thing.





Republicans want your problems to persist

When a major political party is void of any legislative ideas, and their whole platform has become a PR operation to mislead, distract and confuse voters then they’ve given up trying to make your life better. Why? Because they want their voters in pain. The more the merrier. That’s how they make sure they’re able to make them mad as hell and point that anger at whatever strawman they want to take down that day.

Is that the greatness of America? Is that what’s great or what’s best for your family?

You’ve got to get out of the toxic spiral if you want to start making your situation better – and that starts with supporting those who actually want to pass legislation that improve your standard of living, with more jobs in the area, affordable insurance and making sure your food and water aren’t polluted. Think, man. Think!


Ask them ‘What’

MAGA heads all know how to brush off even the most sincere attacks with lies and bluster. They simply repeat Trump’s talking points and ignore reality.

But when you ask them a question that starts with ‘What’, suddenly they have to deal in reality and have a real conversation with you.

For example, if you ask, “Why was Trump hording our most sensitive military secrets in his unsecured golf club?,” they will likely just say something about the Presidential records act. But if you ask, “What was Trump doing by asking for the surveillance tapes of those boxes to be destroyed?…” now they’ve got to engage with the corrupts intent behind these acts and either say, “I don’t know…”, where you can continue the ‘What line’, by asking, “What has he said was the reason for asking the server to be destroyed like Hillary Clinton?,” or just ask them, “What do you think he was trying to do?”

Either way, ‘What’ questions keep the conversations in the real world and severely limit Trump supporters ability to just spit out more Trump propaganda and ignore all of the felonies right before their eyes.

‘Why’ questions, conversely, only invite someone to tell you exactly what they just heard on Fox or some other right wing feeding ground.


MAGA coming for your freedom

For supposed “freedom lovers”, the irony is as thick as it gets.

Because when they talk about freedom, they’re only talking about their freedom.

Our freedoms, on the other hand, are on the chopping block.

We want free and fair elections. They want the military to illegally cease voting machines.

We want the freedom to do what we want in the privacy of our homes. They put up hundreds of bills to end marriage equality.

We believe in a woman’s right to make choices on her own body. They think a priest, a bureaucrat, and the neighborhood Karen should be in the doctors office.

We think parents should make the decision on what their kids read. They think that libraries and schools should follow Republican party lines.

We want a system of checks and balances. They want to give all the power to just one man so he can go on a personal revenge tour.

When it comes down to it, MAGA means taking away your freedom.

When will they see they’re the drunks at the party?