
Just go away!

Trump is stocking the Republican primary like a lecherous old man. And the Trump voters look like they’re ready to roll over and take it.

We need to defend democracy from this pervert’s lust for power.

One more thing:

Trump voters seem to think that he’s the one who will keep them from getting ‘screwed’ by Democrats and end up losing their liberties, financial futures and way of life, if Joe Biden is elected again.

Think about this: Isn’t it kind of funny that that’s the exact same thing that Democrats are worried about if Trump voters are successful in electing someone who “fell in love” with dictators like Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and who has a “very good relationship” with Vladimir Putin… all of which are notorious for ruling through fear, suppressing the entire population through the use of secret police, kangaroo courts, and having whoever crosses them executed?

So why do Trump voters really think that their lives would actually be better living under any kind of dictatorship?

Maybe it’s because they feel they’re being victimized.

Please, here’s a tissue.

However, if you really think you’re being wronged, you know there is a simple test to figure out who’s being trampled on and who’s the asshole in the situation, when both sides say they’re right. Simply ask yourself, which party needs to use threats of violence, acts of terror, murder and criminality to achieve their ends? That, pretty clearly, shows you who’s on the dark side.

Heroes, on the other hand, are generally able to get what they want through persuasive, peaceful, popular social means.


Liars, Thieves and conmen

When you’re doing business or hanging out with Republicans, know that you’re face to face with liars, thieves and conmen.

Liars – The big lie. And all the thousands of little lies that need to exist for reality to be turned upside down and the big lie to become truth. So don’t be surprised if lying is second nature and your contracts or other agreements suddenly change like the wind.

Thieves – Republican’s believe that your vote doesn’t count and they’re constantly taking action to cut you out of the voting equation. Your body autonomy doesn’t count and so they’ll happily take that from you, no matter what that means to you and your life. Your opinion doesn’t count – facts and truth are only important if it’s their facts and their truth. Again, when you’re hanging out with Republicans, don’t be surprised if they take the ‘What’s yours is mine, what’s mine is mine’ mindset.

Conmen – It’s always been about the money. Clinton and Obama filled the treasury, Bush and Trump emptied it. Trumps grift knows no bounds. Even Cristie says Trump is the “cheapest person I’ve ever met in my life,” adding, “What he’s very good at, is spending other people’s money.” So don’t be surprised if your Republican friends, business partners, or Republican businesses that you patronize take Trumps lead and continually find ways to turn their relationship with you into a long running grift.


Have other past presidents become criminal defendants?

With all the power struggles in these 234 years of America’s democracy, why haven’t other presidents become the target of legal “witch hunts” and ended up as persecuted (yet entirely innocent) criminal defendants of their political rivals?

Not one.

Was it because they weren’t as big brained and strong as Trump?

Was it because none of the proceeding 44 presidents were up against such dastardly foes, like; Antifa, cancel culture or woke-ism?

Or was it because none were so slimy?

You know, it’s just common sense that if something walks like a duck, and talks like a duck – it’s a duck.

There’s no need to bend reality and say that all presidents stole classified nuclear secrets, too, so what Trump has done – and repeatedly lied about to conceal – should be ok.

There’s no way to spin 71 felonies (and counting) into a good thing.

Because, bottom line, there’s a reason the slimmest, most deceitful, and utterly shameless ex-president is currently the 1st president in America’s history to become a criminal defendant. And that reason should be as clear to anybody as the nose on their face – he’s a mob boss, a wanna-be dictator… a con man who’s just in it for the money.

And if you believe in the lies and follow someone like that, it really says more about you and your values – or lack thereof – than it does about anything the Trump movement stands for.

Because there have been lots of political reform movements in America’s history. But the MAGA movement, while they might have a lot of grievances, their criminal conduct pretty clearly proves – they’re the problem.

Hey, Mitch. What’s it called when you aid and abet a criminal, again?


Classic projection

What is the Republican party’s defense of all Trump’s heinousness?

Classic projection.

They say, “The left is destroying America,” when they know they’re the ones.

They say, “They’re unAmerican,” when they’re hating on democracy.

Or, “They’re a bunch of snowflakes,” when you’ve never seen so much whining in all your life.

Why? Because it lets them off the emotional hook for all their heinousness. It’s a “feel good” move. That’s why classic projection is now Republican’s #1 political tactic at this time in history.

So don’t be surprised, now that Trump knows he’s been caught, dead-to-rights, violating the espionage act, that he keeps complaining (falsely) that others have done even worse. And his sycophants all join in.

“What about Hillary’s emails!”

So how do you stop classic projection?

The same way you stop the mob from thinking their better than the cops. Throw the book at them and make an example.

That’s the only way that this sick culture of classic projection, whataboutism and scapegoating is going to end – so we can return to the principals of democratic accountability again.

Anything shy of true justice just lets the cancer fester.


Why vote for anyone with no spine?

With all the Republicans jumping in the race to steal the spotlight and become the actual Republican nominee, it can be tempting to think that’s the way to go.

Yeah! Someone else will take the nomination and our national embarrassment will be behind us!

But how would anyone, who didn’t have the spine to pull off that trick last time, pull it off in 2024?

Did their 4 years of absolute ass kissing make them one ounce more courageous, or one iota more resolved to returning to true conservative values?


We saw what they did. They sold their souls long ago.

That’s why the only real opposition vote, and the only real vote for Republicans of conscious, has to be a vote for the opposition party.

It doesn’t matter how much you “hate the libs”, that’s the vote to show your love for America and our system of justice.

Otherwise, you’re just handing Trump the nomination. And, you can take this to the bank, once that happens – you’ll see the true weakness of our current Republican contenders as they drop to their knees and kiss the ring – because that’s what one has to do to survive in a dictatorship.

(A lesson, I’m sure, you don’t want your grandkids to have to live with…)


Trump = loser

People often wonder why followers can’t quit Trump. Easy. It’s because they’ve identified with his image and grievances. So, to cut themselves off from that image and those feelings would be like ‘quitting the gang’. And they’d be force to find a new group of friends and a new, less arrogant personality.

That’s a big step. One most reactive people won’t take.

Unless, of course, they finally wake up and realize they’re running around with a bunch of losers. That they’re not “winners” like Trump told them they were. And, therefore, that arrogance they once enjoyed has simply become dumb ignorance; just like flat-earthers who think they’re right about everything… and the world is just as flat as their own heads.

Because, with all the indictments facing Trump right now, and all the smoking-gun evidence we’ve all seen, in real time… Trumps going to keep losing. And if you keep hanging around with a loser, it just shows everyone you identity as someone who never gets tired of losing. AKA, a sucker.

When you get tired of sucking, maybe you can start voting for your own economic wellbeing..?


Hate America first?

If you think this country is filled with a bunch of losers, that everything is terrible, and that everything is corrupt, you might be a Trumpy Republican.


Because Trump absolutely HATES America. See his recent praise for Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un.

And, as a result of his love of fascism, his blinded followers can’t say enough bad things about America either. That’s why they’re working so hard to destroy her and the average American’s way of life.

Hey, if they hate it so much, why don’t they just leave?

Personally, I love the constitution, the rights and freedoms that we all share and the beauty of a democracy where even those you disagree with can speak openly.

If Trumpies felt at all the same way, I’d have to wonder why they’re always working so hard to demolish their own rights and establish a twisted version of America as a dictatorship!?

They must really put their hate for America first.


The left needs to stock up on squirt-guns

Yes, I mean squirt-guns; water-pistols, the kind that kids play with and you can refill by turning on your garden hose.


Because the right is deathly afraid of these menacing weapons. They’re stocking up on AR-15’s, Kevlar vests, and other defensive paraphernalia to somehow protect themselves from our onslaught.

But that’s where they’re wrong.

Just the sight of someone brandishing a squirt-gun is enough to make these Fox news addicts lose bowel control and run for the hills – because they know we’re coming for them. That’s what their talking heads tell them every day. And that’s why they’ve got to stock up with artillery, hole up in their compounds and ‘kill as many of us “lefties” as they can’ before we have a chance to pull out our all-powerful liquid laser cannons and squirt.

Wow! A steady diet of right wing propaganda can sure do funny things to a person’s memory of how things actually used to be, don’t it?


Republicans invented ‘cancel culture’ to silence gun control

Fox “news”, Alex Jones and their ilk were the first ones to turn the victims of gun violence into “actors” and complain that those poor people were actually just using each of these tragedies for personal gain, painting themselves as the real victims and effectively smearing and silencing anyone they didn’t like on the left.

This was the formula that they invented and perpetuated to smear and silence any victim who was so bold to cry out for gun control or other legislative reform on clear moral grounds.

Fast forward years of us putting up with this B.S. and now the right gets all ‘high and mightily’ offended when we decide to come together and collectively turn our backs on people for doing things that are clearly morally reprehensible, such as breeding hate, sowing bigotry and other anti-American values.

That’s pretty rich.

Seems like swamp monsters can dish it out but they just can’t take it.


Isn’t unprecedented the same as unpresidential?

The lack of bias in news media has been the standard of good reporting for a long time. “We report, you decide, they say”. But Tucker Carlson’s ‘Just asking questions’ approach is valid, too…. as long as the questions create the kind of discussion that is, in itself, newsworthy.

So shouldn’t reporters be ‘asking questions’ every time they find themselves saying some action is ‘unprecedented’ or some digression of American norms is ‘unprecedented in American politics’? Shouldn’t the next logical step be to ask that big, ‘elephant in the room’ question: Should we call this unprecedented or unpresidential? Because, isn’t unprecedented the same as unpresidential?

I know that takes some guts.

But if we have someone who is running for the most respected and most powerful position in the world, someone we all know is unpresidential, and who will clearly take our country down an unAmerican path, don’t we need to have the courage to talk about what that means for us… and for our future as a country?

I believe we do. And that’s the discussion you owe to your readers. Because that discussion is, in itself, newsworthy. That’s the heart of the matter.

Don’t just continually reporting on the surface of events, the news of the day is what the shattering of norms means to our lives and where that’s taking us.

The Alt-right says ‘Reclaim America’. Yeah, Reclaim America from the Alt-right by talking about how they’re flipping everything upside down: Calling unAmerican (and clearly fascist) movements American so that by saying they want to “Reclaim America” they’re able to pull in supporters who confuse the America we all know and love with the UnAmerica distopia that they’re selling.

Well, I won’t buy it. And that’s why words matter so much. We can’t let them get away with calling things that are clearly unprecedented, precedented; things that are clearly unAmerican, American. If we do, we let them flip everything upside down.

That’s why someone needs to have the guts to flat out ask them, on air, “Isn’t something like this, which is unprecedented in American history completely gaslighting us with a slogan like Reclaim America? This is unprecedented in American politics, so really, how can you reclaim anything? It’s like saying, “Let’s Reclaim Mars”. And more importantly, isn’t unprecedented the same as unpresidential, even unAmerican? Maybe that’s what we should really be talking about..? What an unAmerican movement like this means in the body politic, and where that’s taking the country.

Remember how long it took reporters to say that Mr. Tyrant was actually lying? Imagine if no one had ever come out and said the thing that everyone could see with their own two eyes. Would Joe Biden currently be president?